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Lead Stories

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Embracing Agape

This Sunday, February 9 at 10 a.m.: Putting love at the center is more than just love for one another. Agape love is one that goes beyond the self, and embraces a global love. This love is the deep love that can truly make a difference in the world. Join us for this celebration of Agape love in ritual, song, and story.

Deep Listening Facilitation Skills

February 9, 11:30-1:00 in Bernstein. Paula Gribble and Kelly Greene will offer a workshop to develop and train facilitators for small group ministry. We will explore deep listening practice, offer group management skills, and practice through real scenarios. 

UUCC Sunday Schedule

Discover the vibrant Sunday schedule at UUCC! Engage with enriching services, thought-provoking discussions, and community events that nurture mind, body, and spirit. Explore our inclusive community's offerings and join us on a journey of growth and connection.

Origin Movie Watch and Discussions

Origin Movie Watch and Discussions: Feb 13 (movie watch, 6:00 – 8:30), Feb. 19 and 26 (discussions, 6:30-8:00), Bernstein. Inspired by Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste, Ava DuVernay brings us Origin. Origin is based on the life of Isabel Wilkerson and her experience with the unspoken caste system in America and how that has led to human divisions. 

UUCC Drum Circle

The UUCC Drum Circle will kick off on Saturday, February 15. All are invited to join -- no experience necessary!

Climate Justice Revival

The Climate Justice Revival, to be held at UUCC on February 22, is a half day exploration into how we approach Climate Justice wholistically as a congregation with the hopes that we can find joy and purpose rather than despair. This is a part of a UU wide Revival, many having happened earlier in 2024.

Click an article title to read more. Scroll down for more articles and to view the calendar.

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Lotus Path

UUCC Schweitzer Room and via Zoom

Week of Events

Program Areas

Justice and Action at UUCC

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Climate Justice Revival

The Climate Justice Revival, to be held at UUCC on February 22, is a half day exploration into how we approach Climate Justice wholistically as a congregation with the hopes that we can find joy and purpose rather than despair. This is a part of a UU wide Revival, many having happened earlier in 2024.

Memorial Endowment Trust (MET) Grant Season Officially Opens

Each year, the Memorial Endowment Trust of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte requests applications from groups and Teams within the UUCC for worthy projects. The Trustees invite recognized UUCC Teams and groups to apply for projects that meet the grant program’s guidelines by March 31.

UUCC GreenFaith Circle Meetings

GreenFaith is a global, multi-faith movement to resist the planet’s destruction and to create a sustainable, just future. UUCC's GreenFaith Circle meets monthly on the 1st Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Bernstein Room and via Zoom.

Compassion Closet Update

Thanks to everyone for your donations of clothing (especially children’s), hygiene items, household linens, diapers and other goods. Remember that the donation bin is at the entrance to Open Door School off the playground and at the Justice Ministry table on most Sundays.

Adult Programming

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Deep Listening Facilitation Skills

February 9, 11:30-1:00 in Bernstein. Paula Gribble and Kelly Greene will offer a workshop to develop and train facilitators for small group ministry. We will explore deep listening practice, offer group management skills, and practice through real scenarios. 

UUCC Sunday Schedule

Discover the vibrant Sunday schedule at UUCC! Engage with enriching services, thought-provoking discussions, and community events that nurture mind, body, and spirit. Explore our inclusive community's offerings and join us on a journey of growth and connection.

Origin Movie Watch and Discussions

Origin Movie Watch and Discussions: Feb 13 (movie watch, 6:00 – 8:30), Feb. 19 and 26 (discussions, 6:30-8:00), Bernstein. Inspired by Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste, Ava DuVernay brings us Origin. Origin is based on the life of Isabel Wilkerson and her experience with the unspoken caste system in America and how that has led to human divisions. 

UUCC Drum Circle

The UUCC Drum Circle will kick off on Saturday, February 15. All are invited to join -- no experience necessary!

New to UUCC

We invite newcomers to the UUCC to join us in the Conference Room at 11:30 a.m. on the second Sunday of each month.

Mending Your Religious Past

February 4, 11, and 25, 6 - 8 p.m. in Bernstein: Join us in exploring your religion of origin (or lack of), the thoughts and feelings associated with it, ways to move forward, and openness to new spiritual depth. Register here.

First Sunday Theme Discussion: Embrace

Each first Sunday of the month, we gather after service for a discussion of the monthly ministry theme. Our next First Sunday Theme Discussion is Sunday, February 2, 11:30 a.m. We will discuss the February theme, Embrace.

Shared Prayers, 4th Sundays

Shared Prayers will meet next on February 23 at 9:30 a.m. in the Priestley Room (upstairs, behind Freeman Hall to the left). Coming out of the Simply Pray class last year, these gatherings will offer folks a chance to have a moment of intention before service. We will gather monthly for 20 minutes, and different styles of prayer will be explored each month.

February Community Sunday – Embrace

Sunday, February 16 is our next Community Sunday, and the theme is embrace. We will gather together for a shortened service, followed by opportunities to connect and explore. Each month the Community Sundays will be inspired by the monthly ministry themes.

Adult Religious Ed Upcoming Classes

Adult Religious Education and Spiritual Development (ARESD) offers wonderful learning and growth opportunities for adults at UUCC. Here’s what’s coming up! Mending Your Religious Past (Feb 4, 11, and 25); Developing Facilitation Skills (Feb. 9); Origin movie watch and subsequent discussion (Feb 13, 19, and 26); plus ongoing events – Theme Discussion, Credo and Shared Prayers.

Make Music with Us!

Weekly music program rehearsals - children's choir, adult choir, and handbell ensemble - resume next week for kindergarten through adult, and you’re invited!

Seniors Share

A Vibrant group of UUCC members 65+ Meets via Zoom 1st Wed of every month at 4pm and in person on campus every 3rd Wed at 2pm with interesting topics for discussion and/or guest speakers. Contact Jane Kusterer to add your contact info to the group Email list

Consider Joining a UUCC Affinity Group

UUCC members and friends: Browse the latest opportunities to join with others in our congregation for book discussions, hiking, meditation, gaming fun, walking, and more!

Open Mind Book Club

The next Open Mind Book Club meeting will be on Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. via Zoom when we will discuss The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams.

UUCC Inclement Weather Policy

As a Reminder! If we experience inclement weather Monday through Friday and it requires that the UUCC offices close, all events and meetings will be cancelled. Group and event facilitators will be notified and they will be responsible for notifying participants. In the event that our Sunday service is canceled all events taking place that day will be canceled and the building will remain closed.

Seniors Share

A Vibrant group of UUCC members 65+ Meets via Zoom 1st Wed of every month at 4pm and in person on campus every 3rd Wed at 2pm with interesting topics for discussion and/or guest speakers.

Jabberwocks Poetry Group

Jabberwocks welcomes poets who want feedback and who strive to improve their work. We meet on the third Friday of the month, 10 a.m. -12 p.m. on Zoom.

Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry

Meet to knit or crochet together as a spiritual community and to bless the shawls we complete. Shawls are given to Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte members with a significant hardship or loss and to KinderMourn. Meets 2nd Monday at 7 p.m. Contact Kathleen Moloney-Tarr at

Lotus Path Group

We study and discuss various types of Buddhism and related Eastern spiritual paths, considering how they relate to us today. Each meeting begins and ends with meditation.

The Humanist Group

The Humanist Group meets at 11:30 A.M. on the second Sunday of each month in the Sigismund Room.

Children & Youth Programming

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UUCC Sunday Schedule

Discover the vibrant Sunday schedule at UUCC! Engage with enriching services, thought-provoking discussions, and community events that nurture mind, body, and spirit. Explore our inclusive community's offerings and join us on a journey of growth and connection.

February Community Sunday – Embrace

Sunday, February 16 is our next Community Sunday, and the theme is embrace. We will gather together for a shortened service, followed by opportunities to connect and explore. Each month the Community Sundays will be inspired by the monthly ministry themes.

Make Music with Us!

Weekly music program rehearsals - children's choir, adult choir, and handbell ensemble - resume next week for kindergarten through adult, and you’re invited!

Connecting UUCC Families in our Facebook Group!

We invite all UUCC families to join our "UUCC Families Group" on Facebook. Our goal is to keep our families connected through photos, resources, and personal sharing.

Action & Education Outside UUCC

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SOUUL Summit in Atlanta

This three-day experience (March 27-30) is hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta (UUCA) and brings together leaders, seekers, and changemakers from across the country.

Online Biblical Literacy

Starting Wed. February 12, the Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of their Biblical Literacy series for all congregations.

Exploring the Essence of Unitarian Universalism

Starting February 19, join our UUA Southern Region Congregational Life Staff for a series of conversations about three critical aspects of Unitarian Universalism: our shared values, our covenants, and our historical context.

Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute

July 20-26 in Radford, VA, SUUSI is the Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute, a week-long summer experience of an intentional community of UUs and kindred spirits.

Civics 101 with League of Women Voters

Beginning February 19, join League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg for their Civics 101 Program—an engaging and informative journey designed to empower Mecklenburg County citizens.

UUA General Assembly in Baltimore

Join UUs from across the country Wednesday, June 18 through Sunday, June 22 in Baltimore, Maryland and/or online for this 5-day immersive experience.

Free the Book!

This guide from Beacon Press explains why book bans are happening, why they matter and gives suggestions for what action we can take.

Social Opportunities

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UUCC Sunday Schedule

Discover the vibrant Sunday schedule at UUCC! Engage with enriching services, thought-provoking discussions, and community events that nurture mind, body, and spirit. Explore our inclusive community's offerings and join us on a journey of growth and connection.

UUCC Drum Circle

The UUCC Drum Circle will kick off on Saturday, February 15. All are invited to join -- no experience necessary!

Passover Seder

On Sunday, April 13th at 4:30, please join us for the return of our annual Passover Seder.

February Community Sunday – Embrace

Sunday, February 16 is our next Community Sunday, and the theme is embrace. We will gather together for a shortened service, followed by opportunities to connect and explore. Each month the Community Sundays will be inspired by the monthly ministry themes.

Seniors Share

A Vibrant group of UUCC members 65+ Meets via Zoom 1st Wed of every month at 4pm and in person on campus every 3rd Wed at 2pm with interesting topics for discussion and/or guest speakers. Contact Jane Kusterer to add your contact info to the group Email list

Consider Joining a UUCC Affinity Group

UUCC members and friends: Browse the latest opportunities to join with others in our congregation for book discussions, hiking, meditation, gaming fun, walking, and more!

UUCC Men’s Group

The Men's Group works to foster a sense of community and support for UUCC men and masculine-identifying, non-binary, and LGBTQ+ people.

UUCC’s Gardening Group

Learn more about the mission of the UUCC's Gardening Group and find out how you can get involved. The group meets at the UUCC on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

Seniors Share

A Vibrant group of UUCC members 65+ Meets via Zoom 1st Wed of every month at 4pm and in person on campus every 3rd Wed at 2pm with interesting topics for discussion and/or guest speakers.

Lunch Bunch

After service on the second Sunday of each month, join others from UUCC for lunch at Piada.

Calling all Gamers!

The UUCC Gamers' Group meets monthly on the third Thursday in the Bernstein Room at 7 p.m. to play board/strategy games and build community.

Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry

Meet to knit or crochet together as a spiritual community and to bless the shawls we complete. Shawls are given to Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte members with a significant hardship or loss and to KinderMourn. Meets 2nd Monday at 7 p.m. Contact Kathleen Moloney-Tarr at

Happy Wanderers

Join Tuesday Walkers at 10:00 A.M. as they stroll different greenways each week on a rotating basis.

(dis)Abled Support and Advocacy Group

The disability support and advocacy group welcomes those with any type of physical or mental health challenge, as well as allies and friends.

Member-Only Facebook Group

Join our members-only Facebook group, "Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte Members." This is a "closed" Facebook group where members can discuss issues and interests in private--like a virtual Freeman Hall, except you bring the coffee!

News and Information

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Embracing Agape

This Sunday, February 9 at 10 a.m.: Putting love at the center is more than just love for one another. Agape love is one that goes beyond the self, and embraces a global love. This love is the deep love that can truly make a difference in the world. Join us for this celebration of Agape love in ritual, song, and story.

UUCC Sunday Schedule

Discover the vibrant Sunday schedule at UUCC! Engage with enriching services, thought-provoking discussions, and community events that nurture mind, body, and spirit. Explore our inclusive community's offerings and join us on a journey of growth and connection.

New to UUCC

We invite newcomers to the UUCC to join us in the Conference Room at 11:30 a.m. on the second Sunday of each month.

Memorial Endowment Trust (MET) Grant Season Officially Opens

Each year, the Memorial Endowment Trust of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte requests applications from groups and Teams within the UUCC for worthy projects. The Trustees invite recognized UUCC Teams and groups to apply for projects that meet the grant program’s guidelines by March 31.

February Community Sunday – Embrace

Sunday, February 16 is our next Community Sunday, and the theme is embrace. We will gather together for a shortened service, followed by opportunities to connect and explore. Each month the Community Sundays will be inspired by the monthly ministry themes.

UUCC Board of Trustees Goals for this Year

It’s the start of a brand-new year, which is a great time for making resolutions and setting goals. Learn more about this year’s goals for the UUCC Board of Trustees . . .

Parking at the UUCC

We know that parking can be a pain at the UUCC, especially on Sundays. Did you know that there are three alternatives to parking in our limited parking lot? Regardless of where you park, please respect the property and safety of our neighbors.

A Generous Gift

In November of 2024, the UUCC received an amazing gift, a sculpture created by well known artist and UUCC member, Charles Pilkey. Learn more about this generous donation and its meaning here.

Tax-Friendly Ways to Support UUCC

Did you know that you can fulfill your UUCC pledge and save on taxes by donating appreciated stock from a brokerage account or by making a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA? Your Stewardship Team wants to be sure you to know all of your options.

Board of Trustees Honors Two Remarkable UUCC Members

During the service on Sunday, November 3, 2024 the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte presented the Sybil Bernstein Award and the Charlotte Watkins Beacon Award to two worthy UUCC members.

Living in covenant: An update from your Right Relations Team

The Right Relations Team has been meeting to figure out how to guide our community in living by our covenant. In the coming weeks, we’ll be looking for opportunities to explore topics, to start sharing our thoughts and to hear your thoughts, concerns and wishes regarding living in covenant with each other. Learn more about the Right Relations Team here.

Member Database: What to Do If You Can’t Log In

Recently, members began using our new database, Realm. For some, this has been a smooth transition, but others have experienced difficulties accessing their profiles or even logging into the database at all. If you are in the latter group and find that you cannot log in or your profile is "unverified" or locked, please contact Kelly Greene.

Make Music with Us!

Weekly music program rehearsals - children's choir, adult choir, and handbell ensemble - resume next week for kindergarten through adult, and you’re invited!

UUCC’s Covenant of Right Relations

In June 2021, the UUCC membership adopted a Covenant of Right Relations. Learn more here about the covenant and related policy, plus the role of the Right Relations Team in conflict resolution.

Why We Give to the UUCC

Kurt Merkle writes about his and his family's experiences at the UUCC and why he pledges.

Updated UUCC Members’ Facebook Group Guidelines

Your staff recently reviewed the Rules and Guidelines for our closed member Facebook page, a space that offers us a daily opportunity to honor one another and the values we hold most dear as a spiritual community.

Memorial Garden at UUCC

Learn more about UUCC's memorial garden and potential plans to expand it.

The Safety Patrol Needs You!

We're looking for volunteers to work Safety Patrol on Sundays. Interested? Training will be provided.

UUCC Pet Policy

Pets make our lives better in so many ways. Pets are also a responsibility, and their presence at our facility presents challenges for people for various reasons that we must respect. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive faith, and the presence of pets excludes the interests of those who have allergies, fears, or phobias surrounding animals. Therefore, with the exception of service animals, no pets are allowed in the property at 234 North Sharon Amity Rd.

UUCC Inclement Weather Policy

As a Reminder! If we experience inclement weather Monday through Friday and it requires that the UUCC offices close, all events and meetings will be cancelled. Group and event facilitators will be notified and they will be responsible for notifying participants. In the event that our Sunday service is canceled all events taking place that day will be canceled and the building will remain closed.

Introducing the Community Compass!

We are pleased to introduce the Community Compass, a space for regular communications, in longer form than Currents allows for, from UUCC staff and leadership.

UUCC’s Gardening Group

Learn more about the mission of the UUCC's Gardening Group and find out how you can get involved. The group meets at the UUCC on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

Ushers Help Create a Welcoming Worship Experience

At UUCC, we believe that each member contributes to the tapestry of our vibrant community. By joining our team of ushers, you become an integral part of creating a welcoming atmosphere and ensuring the smooth running of our worship services. If you are passionate about serving, connecting with others, and making a difference, we encourage you to consider becoming an usher.

Sunday Morning Greeters Make a Difference

We are looking for friendly people or families to greet visitors, help new people find their way, make introductions and provide information in the vestibule and in Freeman Hall on Sunday mornings before and after the service. Are you willing to fill this role?

Urgent Need: Sunday Morning Volunteers

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our religious community, and they are especially crucial to providing welcoming experiences and inspirational worship on Sunday mornings. Right now we urgently need A/V workers, coffee servers, greeters, safety patrol members, and ushers.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Available at UUCC

Thanks to a grant from the Memorial Endowment Trust to the Children and Youth Religious Education program, UUCC now has essential life-saving devices including Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to help in cardiac emergencies and LifeVacs for choking emergencies.

UUCC’s Covenant of Right Relations

On September 25, the Sunday service topic centered around the idea and origins of covenant and the ways we live out those relational promises. Here is the text of the covenant that UUCC adopted June 6, 2021, and a link to the September 25 service.

A Bean in a Little Box

How did a philosophy class about miracles lead to a conversation in Freeman Hall, and what does that have to do with volunteering at the UUCC?

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Our Board meets monthly, usually on the third Tuesday, to conduct congregational business. Minutes of meetings conducted during the current congregational year are accessible here.

Coordinating Team Reports

Every month the CT reports to the Board of Trustees on finances, membership and generally on progress toward fulfilling our Mission and Ends. The “narratives” portions of those reports, compiled with the assistance of all the professional staff, along with “monthly participation numbers” are available here.

UUCC Inclement Weather Policy

Read on for a reminder for our members and friends of our inclement weather policy (effective when services and activities are scheduled on the grounds and in the building).

Member-Only Facebook Group

Join our members-only Facebook group, "Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte Members." This is a "closed" Facebook group where members can discuss issues and interests in private--like a virtual Freeman Hall, except you bring the coffee!

Love this place? Donate to the Endowment

Help insure the long-term health of the UUCC. Give to the Memorial Endowment Trust in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or event.

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