Adult Programming

Upcoming Events

Discovery Circles

A healthy, vital Unitarian Universalist community is made up of people who are deeply connected to the spiritual, intellectual, caring, social, and service aspects of the UU movement and our own congregation. Discovery Circles at the UUCC support these connections through intentional practice.

What are Discovery Circles?

Discovery Circles are small groups (typically 8 to 12 members) whose purpose is to facilitate connections among the members through reflection, personal sharing, and deep listening. These circles meet regularly, October through May, and are open to UUCC members.

Each Discovery Circle:

  • is led by two trained facilitators who are members of the UUCC
  • meets for about 1½ hours at a regularly scheduled time each month
  • develops a covenant to encourage the participation of all members
  • has a social gathering within a couple of weeks after the first meeting
  • completes a service project during the term

What happens in a typical Discovery Circle meeting?

Discovery Circles follow a basic session plan which includes these elements:

  • A chalice lighting and reading
  • A check-in period, when members share what is in their hearts and minds
  • Exploration of a monthly theme or the Circle’s chosen topic through open-ended questions
  • Time for individual sharing and deep listening
  • A closing ritual

What are my commitments?

  • Attend monthly meetings. Circle members make attendance at their meetings a high priority in their lives. Consistent involvement will help promote success of the Circle.
  • Maintain confidentiality. Meetings provide a safe environment for members to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Be an active participant. Members engage through deep listening and sharing.
  • Perform a service project. This provides an opportunity to put into practice Unitarian Universalist values while strengthening the bonds of the Circle.

How do I join a group?

  • During the registration period, commitment forms are available at the Adult Programming table on Sunday mornings in Freeman Hall or through this link: (available during next sign-up period).
  • Return your signed form to the Adult Programming table or the UUCC office.
  • Attend a 30-minute orientation session to learn more about Discovery Circles and your commitment.
  • Participants are assigned to a Discovery Circle based on their preferences and availability. The intention is to connect people across differences including age, gender, and ethnicity to foster the most rewarding experience.

Do you have other questions? Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Paula Gribble at