Children and Youth
Upcoming Events
Visiting with Children
We offer religious education classes for preschool and elementary-age children, middle-schoolers and high-school-age youth. The Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) program is free, and children of all members and visitors can attend. We also provide a nursery for children up to age 3 during all services.
Visiting on Sunday Mornings
Here are some helpful tips for bringing your child(ren) on your first Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte:
- As soon as you arrive, please find staff and volunteers at the visitor table in the front lobby. They will direct you to the right place.
- Each week check the “Where Do the Children Go?” signs posted outside the Religious Education wing, as class locations sometimes change due to special visits, projects, services, etc.
- If you would like to meet the Religious Education staff, ask for directions to the CYRE Office in the Religious Education wing. For detailed conversations, please schedule an appointment, as Sunday mornings are quite hectic.
- We have a Safe Congregations Policy in place, which requires that parents be responsible for their children before and after their class sessions. All children in 8th grade and younger must have an adult on site who is responsible for them. Under no circumstances may parents drop off their children and leave the campus.
- After three visits, we ask that parents register their children in the CYRE program so that we have the best contact information and can provide a safe environment.
- Children are welcome to join their parents in a worship service at any time. Coloring sheets and fidget items can be found on the credenza outside the sanctuary. To learn about services planned for all ages, please go to worship for children and youth.