In 1997, Catherine and I found a spiritual home. After 27 years, I’m so grateful to say that UUCC remains a fundamentally important part of our life. And I am happy that I have the good fortune to financially support our community.

Over the years, we’ve formed deeply meaningful connections with many other members, some of whom we see often and others that have become fond memories of our times together. Whether we “gather in peace…hope…thanks…celebration…or sympathy”, these connections remind us that we are many on our spiritual journey. And I believe that this journey is worth supporting with our monetary contributions because it would not be possible without our beautiful sanctuary, meeting spaces, and the wonderful staff who sustain our community’s existence.

While Steffen, Lewis and Daniel are moving quickly into independent lives of their own, Catherine and I feel that much of who they are has been influenced by their many developmental experiences in our congregation. When I contribute, I know that I’m helping provide means for other families to grow and nurture their children in the same loving, compassionate, thoughtful environment we find in our Religious Education programs and activities.

During the times when we are not physically present at 234 or participating in the many enriching activities that are offered, I still feel the presence and comfort of the community that many before us helped build. And we contribute because we want to “nurture the garden that will feed” those whom we may never know. I take comfort in knowing that our world is a better place with people like those we find at UUCC. By contributing financially, we help maintain our facilities, ensuring that they remain welcoming and functional for generations to come.

As we continue our journey together, I am grateful for the opportunity to support our congregation and be part of something greater than myself, this vibrant, compassionate, and inclusive community.

In faith,

Kurt Merkle