Our Congregational Care Team is charged with caring for this community. We are striving to expand the ways we can be a loving community and could use your help.
Visiting members
Our Congregational Care Team would like to increase the visits we make to those who are ill, experiencing hardship, can no longer attend in person, etc. We hope these visits will be sources of comfort and connection. To prepare and gain appropriate skills, this Spiritual Care Training offered by UU Institute has helped us feel more confident. If you are interested in becoming part of our visitation group, please contact Kelly@uuccharlotte.org.
Do you knit, crochet or quilt?
There are many members and friends of our Community who are experiencing health concerns, losses or other hardships. The Congregational Care Team would like to offer those individuals a prayer shawl or lap robe for comfort. If you knit, crochet or quilt and would like to make a shawl or lap robe (one or more) on your own and contribute it to the UUCC, contact kelly@uuccharlotte.org. We welcome a variety of shapes and colors. Need a pattern? Kelly can help with that too.