One of the things that comes up frequently in staff meetings and casual conversations is communication. We know that good, clear communication is essential to the smooth functioning of any organization. We also know that all of us are inundated with information from all sides, and it’s hard to

sift through it all and figure out what to pay attention to. There is a joke tee-shirt for pastors that says, “It was in the bulletin” (it’s just like the one for academics that says, “It’s in the syllabus!”) because this conversation is evergreen in church life. You already know that Currents is where to find information about events and important happenings in this community. I’m happy to say that UUCC has one of the highest open rates of any church I’ve ever served – so, thanks to many of you who read Currents. But we know that’s not enough, which is why we keep talking about it.
Because events and news aren’t the only things your staff and leadership have to share with you – and it isn’t the only information you want to get from us. I’ve recently overheard several conversations recalling how much folks loved reading Soundings, which has been “out of circulation” for a few years. I know the decision to stop that publication was made carefully and for good reasons – most congregations have discontinued their printed newsletter in the past decade or so. That said, there’s something that was a regular part of a monthly newsletter like that that we don’t have anymore: Regular communications, in longer form than Currents allows for, from staff and leadership. The columns from your minister, religious educator, and board president often contained important information and reflections. So, we’ve done some problem solving and brainstorming and come up with a plan so that we can share those kinds of communications with y’all.
So, effective immediately, you can find reflections, deeper dives into thematic content, narrative reports from board members and other leaders, and more right here at the Community Compass! New posts will be linked in Currents, but you can always bookmark this page and check back. I hope you’ll enjoy the content, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Rev. Lisa