Picture this: your partner/friends/kids enter the doors to the bustling vestibule of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte (UUCC) on Sunday morning and come face to face with a smiling member of the UUCC Safety Patrol – YOU!
“Look how cool [your name here] is,” they say, “with their walkie-talkie and important job! I am proud to know them!” They wave, you wave, and you all get back to what you were doing – they going to the service/other volunteer role/Religious Education class; you keeping watch, providing a measure of insurance against untoward events.
This description is intentionally tongue-in-cheek. Things wouldn’t necessarily happen exactly like that. But the takeaway from this scenario is that Safety Patrol is an important job.
We’ve been fortunate not to have had any “untoward events” since the role was created in 2018, and hopefully, we will always be able to say that. Nonetheless, we’re looking for a few good people willing to spend a portion of their Sunday morning providing dedicated surveillance once or twice a month. Training will be provided.
This role is primarily staffed on Sundays from 9-11, so you would be part of a great group of Sunday morning volunteers who make what we offer possible! You may also be asked to volunteer for a one-time event that needs this type of support.
Are you interested in serving on the Safety Patrol? Reach out to Director of Administration, Alesia Hutto (alesia(at)uuccharlotte.org).
Volunteers are the heart and soul of our community. Would you like to volunteer at the UUCC but in a different role? Email Director of Member Relations Kelly Greene (Kelly(at)uuccharlotte.org) or use the volunteer form to let us know how you’d like to serve.