Volunteers are the heart and soul of our religious community, and they are especially crucial to providing welcoming experiences and inspirational worship on Sunday mornings. Right now we urgently need A/V workers, coffee servers, greeters, safety patrol members, and ushers.
Sunday Mornings
A/V Support: Tech-savvy volunteers help provide sound and images for services and other events. They also record services to create our podcasts and video archive.
Coffee Service: Our coffee servers prepare the coffee, tea, and snacks that help fuel lively conversations in Freeman Hall.
Greeters: In the vestibule and in Freeman Hall these friendly people greet visitors, help new people find their way, make introductions and provide information.
Safety Patrol: Safety Patrol opens and closes our building on Sunday mornings and keeps watch during services and special events providing a measure of insurance against untoward events.
Ushers: Ushers distribute Sunday handouts, help people find seats, pass the offering baskets, count attendance and perform a money count.
Email Director of Member Relations Kelly Greene (Kelly(at)uuccharlotte.org) or use the volunteer form to let us know how you’d like to serve.