The Memorial Endowment Trust of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte provides a perpetual managed fund for generous legacy giving to support the UUCC, its present and future members, and its liberal religious mission. Each year the Memorial Endowment Trust of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte accepts grant applications from the various teams at UUCC and ODS and awards grant funds based on the merit of the team’s application. The total of the grant funds is five percent of the average value of the trust over a three-year period. Here are the grants that were awarded in 2023:

  • The UUCC Staff and Worship Teams received $12,500 in funding for new cameras in the Sanctuary.
  • The UUCC Staff and Worship Teams received $13,750 (partial funding) for new audio equipment in the Sanctuary.
  • The Building and Grounds and Open Door School Managing Teams received $20,000 in funding for the installation of new fences around the three playgrounds on our property.

Grant awards for 2024 will be announced on June 2 at the 2024 Congregational Conversation.