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Wings Set Me Free

Sunday, May 5, 2024 10:00 a.m.

Service Leaders:

Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon, Settled Minister Candidate
Paula Gribble, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Barry Ahrendt and Kathryn Whitfield, Lay Service Leaders
John Herrick, Director of Music

Unitarian Universalism

The Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte is one of approximately 1,000 Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States.  Our denomination is grounded in centuries of critical thinking, and our particular progressive movement developed out of 18th-century liberal Christianity and from spiritual forebears who placed a high value on the use of reason in spiritual matters.

We now draw our religious understanding from many sources and believe in the responsibility of all individuals to find their own most meaning-filled religious path. This idea of individual freedom of belief is guided not by doctrine or creed but by a set of strong values and moral teachings. The Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism include “the inherent worth and dignity of every person” and “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”

Symbols_9Jewish and Christian teachings are an important part of our tradition as are humanist teachings,  direct experience of the mystery and wonder of life, Earth-centered traditions and wisdom from many cultures, traditions and religions.

Unitarianism had its roots in 16th-century Europe and was based on the ancient idea of the unity of the deity – that the various theistic religions are actually talking about the same God. Just one God. In 1568 in Transylvania, that belief was codified and named. Unitarianism spread slowly across Europe.

In 1794, the noted scientist and Unitarian minister Joseph Priestley came to America from England and started the first church here that called itself Unitarian. Many liberal Christian congregations voted to become Unitarian. In the 19th century, with the theologically similar Universalists and others, Unitarians helped lead efforts to abolish slavery, improve healthcare, assure the rights of women and establish universal public education. In the 20th and 21st centuries, members of our religious tradition have put faith into action by being in the forefront of movements such as civil rights, marriage equality, LGBTQ rights, immigration reform and economic and environmental justice.

To explore the rich history and diverse sources of our liberal faith, we invite you to visit the websites of our national association, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and our seminary, Starr King School for the Ministry.