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Not a Story to Pass On

Sunday, January 26, 2025 10:00 a.m.

Service Leaders:

Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon, Minister
Rev. Greg Jarrell, Guest Worship Leader
John Herrick, Director of Music

UUCC Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees is made up of nine members elected by the membership who serve staggered three-year terms. Staying in close touch with the congregation, the board articulates the UUCC vision through our Mission Statement, Ends Statements and Governing Policies and, referring to those policies, monitors the work of the Coordinating Team and other professional staff.

The Coordinating Team is the leadership group responsible for day-to-day operations.

The Board speaks primarily through its written policies, which are decided by discussion and voting. Each trustee is involved in other activities at the church, out of personal interest and as one way to connect with other members.

Policy Governance

The UUCC has been operating under a form of Policy Governance since 2004. Under Policy Governance the Board of Trustees focuses on the congregation’s vision and goals rather than the details of managing the organization. The Board sets broad policies and then gives staff the freedom and authority to make day-to-day decisions as long as they are operating within the constraints set by those policies. Scroll down the page to see minutes of Board meetings.

Covenant of Right Relations and the Right Relations Team

The Universalist Unitarian Community of Charlotte adopted our Covenant of Right Relations in 2021. The UUCC Covenant of Right Relations acts as a compass to guide our actions in a loving way. The accompanying policy is the framework that undergirds this work. With the support of our board, a Right Relations Team was created to oversee the practices of accountability when one or more members need support in a conflict.

Click here to learn more about the Right Relations Team.

Follow this link to see our Covenant of Right Relations. This Covenant was approved by the Membership and adopted on June 6, 2021.

Follow this link for the related UUCC Covenant of Right Relations Policy. This Policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on November 28, 2023.

Exploration & Discovery: An Inspiring UUCC for the 21st Century

Over the past ten years, our Board has led the congregation through several rounds of “envisioning our future,” each one an effort to discern what this spiritual community is collectively called to be as we pursue our Mission and Ends in the greater Charlotte area. In June of 2016, we adopted our new Vision. Click here to view the document.

Meet Our Board of Trustees

Our board is made up of long-time members of the congregation who have a history of deep involvement with and support for the UUCC. Current members of our nine-member Board of Trustees:

Vivian Brenner

Vivian Brenner came to the UUCC in 2007, with her fiancé, to see if the minister would be willing to perform a non-religious ceremony for their marriage. A former minister did so, and they enjoyed the congregation and sermons so much, they became active members. Vivian has volunteered as a teacher for Legal Aid and giving classes at the Crisis Assistance Ministry to people with housing issues. She also volunteers for Democracy NC, a non-partisan voting rights group, and monitors both the Board of Elections and at polling sites. She currently is a volunteer at Planned Parenthood, escorting patients and families into the clinic. She attended many of the Moral Monday rallies in Raleigh at the General Assembly in 2013 and was arrested for her non-violent participation in these actions, which she considers a badge of honor. She looks forward to moving the UUCC into a new era, with a new minister and thoughtful leadership. Vivian enjoys teaching knitting and crocheting. Board Term 2024 – 2027

Kathleen Carpenter originally came to the UUCC over 30 years ago, seeking a non-dogmatic religious education (RE) program for her three young children. She wanted a place that welcomed her as a religious humanist and saw her children as worthy of respect and love. The UUCC provided all of this. When the opportunity arose several years later, she joined the staff as its Director of Religious Education. She retired in 2020 and for professional reasons took a two year break. She is excited to be back and looks forward to serving during this time of exciting changes. Outside her staff responsibilities, Kathleen has served in numerous volunteer roles: Partner Church Committee Chair, Denominational Connections Team Chair, Luna Rising Leadership Team member, Room in the Inn volunteer, participant in the Follies, and most recently, as a member of the Intersectional Justice Engagement Group. Board Term 2023 – 2026


Michael Amy Rodriguez Cira (Board Co-Chair) came to UUCC about 10 years ago with her daughter, Tallulah. Since then she has served in a variety of leadership and volunteer roles, including Worship Team, Environmental Justice and Transformation, discovery group, Room In The Inn, solstice events and Luna Rising. She has been a lay service leader many times and filled numerous roles in Children and Youth Religious Education, most recently as middle and high school facilitator. Michael is currently a member of DRUUMM (Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries) and The UU Church of the Larger Fellowship. She has attended the UUA General Assembly in New Orleans and Kansas City. She has worked in the healing arts, theater and children’s education in many positions across the country. In 2020 and 2021 Michael served as a consultant with Mosaic Thought Partners leading conversations about race, diversity and inclusion. Board Term 2022 – 2025.

Dave Dixon

Dave Dixon joined the UUCC in 2020, along with his wife Kendra and their two children, Elinor and Desmond. He first became aware of the UUCCwhen his kids began attending Open Door School and while he didn’t expect or plan to join a faith community at the time, the combination of children’s programming, social justice activism and the chance to meet and commune with like-minded people spoke to him as something that he wanted, both for himself and his family. Since joining the UUCC, Dave has served as a member of the Communications team (where he created the Currents masthead and the UUCC t-shirt design) and as a chaperone for elementary-age children to Youth Cons at The Mountain. He is excited about the opportunity to potentially contribute as a Board member, particularly as we welcome a new settled minister. Dave enjoys playing and watching sports (especially soccer), playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), board games and video games, and doing various D&D-related art projects. In his professional life, he is a Creative Director for a branding agency. Board Term 2024 – 2027

Bob Gorman (Board Co-Chair) came to the UUCC in search of community and found that and much, much more. Not only has it become my extended family, it also is an avenue for being involved in the work toward social, political, and racial justice. The UUCC has become an essential part of who he is. This is a crucial period in the history of the UUCC as we transition to a new minister. Having been a member for 18-years and having participated actively and fully in the life of this community, he feels he has much to contribute in helping us move successfully into this next phase of our transition. Bob has been a member of the Vision Steering Team, participated in the Racial Justice Core Group, attended the Undoing Racism Workshop, developed and presented numerous film series, served on the ARESD team, participated in Room in the Inn, three Discovery Circles including serving as co-leader of one of them, ushered, lay service leader, presented his Credo twice and participated in the Moral Monday demonstration. Board Term 2023 – 2026

Joe Hoff

Joe Hoff  Growing up Catholic, Joe decided he needed a change and searched for a different community that was more open and honored others’ beliefs and practices as well as had a focus on social justice.He attended various UU communities in Rhode Island, Oregon, and Virginia where he lived previously but was not a member. He officially joined the UUCC in 2020. He was recruited to be a member of the Adult Religious Education/Spiritual Development (ARESD) Team immediately after joining. Joe participated in the biking group during the pandemic, has participated from time to time in the hiking group as well as several ARESD offerings. He has also participated in the “lunch around the world” group whenever possible. He is excited to contribute more to the UUCC, especially at such an exciting moment with a new minister joining the community. Joe is an administrator/faculty member at UNC Charlotte working in the Office of International Programs. He enjoys hiking, biking, simple gardening, attending music concerts and watching independent and foreign films. He is an advocate for social and environmental justice/change. He lives in First Ward and rides the light rail to work every day. He also loves learning about different cultures and languages and hopes for a better world through intercultural understanding. Board Term 2024 – 2027


Shannon Maples (Secretary) has been a member of the UUCC for nearly 11 years.  She spent much of that time in the CYRE wing teaching youth in both CYRE (ages K-5) and OWL (grades K-6).  Along with Kurt Merkle and Melissa Jackson, Shannon also co-facilitated a sexuality education curriculum for parents during Covid.  Shannon served on the ARESD team for three years in both planning and facilitating capacities, and she participated in the most recent Economic Justice Core Group.  She is beginning her second year on the Intersectional Justice and Luna Rising teams.  Her family has participated in volunteer opportunities such as Room In The Inn and Operation Sandwich when possible.  Board Term 2022 – 2025

Craig Miller has been a member of the UUCC since 2010. He has been active in various ways including 4 years as a senior high CYRE advisor, serving on the social justice team, leading UUCC’s Room in the Inn program, and serving as a volunteer in a number of ways. He also enjoys participating in programs offered by the UUCC including a spiritual writing class and the Open Mind Book Club. Craig and his long-time partner of 27 years enjoy traveling together and spending time with friends. Personally, Craig enjoys playing tennis and pickleball, fitness activities, cooking, reading, and the outdoors.   Board Term 2023-2026


Laurie Reed is a life-long UU and has been active at the UUCC since moving to Charlotte in 1984. She and her late husband, Tim Lemmond, raised their now-grown children with the love and support of the UUCC faith community. Long ago Laurie and Tim were high school OWL facilitators and helped develop the Coming of Age program. Laurie has chaired the CYRE Team, been a COA mentor, Board of Trustee member and Chair, a Memorial Endowment Trustee and most recently participated in the Racial Justice and Environmental Justice classes. Laurie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice, loves many outdoor activities and will be very glad to tell you about anything she has growing in her small urban garden. Board Term 2022 – 2025

Minutes of Board Meetings

Our Board meets monthly, usually on the third Tuesday, to conduct congregational business. Minutes of meetings conducted during the current congregational year are accessible below. For minutes of meetings going further back in time, please contact the UUCC office. To reach a member of our Board of Trustees please email board@uuccharlotte.org.