Policies and Documents

On this page you will find our key statements of principles, vision, mission and ends, as well as links to documents that set forth how we are organized and how we function.

About Us

Next Service

Roots Hold Me Close

Sunday, April 28, 2024 10:00 a.m.

Service Leaders:

Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon, Settled Minister Candidate

Mic Elvenstar and Dave Warren, Lay Service Leaders
John Herrick, Director of Music

Unitarian Universalist Principles

FlameAs a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), we covenant to affirm and promote:

  1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;
  7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

These “seven principles” are often presented along with a statement about the “sources of our living tradition.”

UUCC Vision and Board of Trustees’ “Call to Action”

We are a loving, liberating religious community inspiring spiritual, societal, and environmental transformation in the larger community, in our congregation, and in the personal lives of children, youth, and adults.

This vision statement was formally adopted by the membership at the Congregational Conversation (annual meeting) on June 5, 2016. See the full Vision Statement and Framework.

In February 2017 our Board issued a “Call to Action” intended to guide our initial efforts under the new Vision. This document was revised and renewed by the Board in May 2019 and again in 2020.


Challenged by our liberating faith, we discover deeper spiritual meaning, nurture loving community, cultivate courageous connections, and partner in the work of justice.

This statement of our mission was adopted by the congregation at its annual meeting on June 3, 2018.



  1. We are a joyful, loving, religious community of people who are deeply connected to each other. Here people are heard, included and respected.
  2. Our policies, programming and practices reflect an integrated understanding and experience of spiritual, societal and environmental transformation.
  3. We understand our personal, institutional and community involvement with systemic injustice and inequity and we demonstrate a commitment to dismantling these systems.
  4. We have deep and meaningful connections with others in our community invested in working to end injustice and inequity.
  5. Environmental stewardship is a priority in our personal lives, within our congregation and with the larger community.
  6. We are advocates for environmental justice alongside marginalized communities who are disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation and injustice.

These statements of “the ends to which we aspire” were adopted by the Board of Trustees in the fall of 2017.


To see a copy of our Bylaws, go here.

The basic contract among our members, setting forth how our enterprise is organized and how it functions.

Board Policies

Follow this link to see a copy of our Board’s Governing Policies.

These are the policies that guide how we operate under policy governance (or “governance by policy”). The policies address “Coordinating Team Limitations”, “Governance Process” and the “Board-Coordinating Team Relationship”.

Covenant of Right Relations

In our non-creedal faith, Unitarian Universalists are held together by covenants that we establish together and agree to follow. By freely choosing to enter into a shared covenant, we make a promise about how we will treat one another and the community as a whole. Our covenant is one way in which we hold each other accountable. The Covenant of Right Relations acts as a compass to guide our actions in a loving way. The accompanying policy is the framework that undergirds this work.

Follow this link to see our Covenant of Right Relations.

This Covenant was approved by the Membership and adopted on June 6, 2021.

Follow this link for the related UUCC Covenant of Right Relations Policy.

This Policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on November 28, 2023.

Other Policies

Affinity Group Guidelines

Alcohol Policy

Communications Policy

Fire Pit Policy

Pet Policy

These are policies that have been developed by UUCC professional staff and teams and adopted under the authority of the Coordinating Team.