Meet Our Minister

Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper

photo of our minister Reverend Lisa Bovee-Kemper

Lisa joined the UUCC as Interim Minister in August of 2022.

Lisa holds a BA in history from Oberlin College and a Master’s in Divinity from the Andover Newton Theological School, which is now part of the Yale School of Divinity in New Haven, CT. Before beginning her study for the ministry, she worked as a costume designer and wardrobe supervisor for theatre, dance, and opera productions, most notably at the Juilliard School. She is thus an artist and an activist, a pastor and a preacher. She is skilled in organizational assessment, and she approaches complex problems with curiosity. She is passionate about creating meaningful, collaborative worship services and empowering congregations to identify and live into their mission. She has been active in social justice movements ranging from LGBTQIA+ inclusion to immigration rights to reproductive justice. In 2014 she was a founding member of the steering committee of the Mountain People’s Assembly, after participating in Moral Monday actions in Raleigh.

In her free time, Rev. Lisa enjoys knitting, cooking and baking, swimming, and spending time with her family. Her wife, Cindy, is ordained in the United Church of Christ and is trained as a hospital chaplain. Lisa and Cindy have two children, Harley (aged 9) and Elijah (aged 7). All four of them are, in Lisa’s words, “owned by two cats,” an orange tiger named PJ and a tuxedo named Basil (after the herb). Lisa and her family are excited to be back in North Carolina.