Children and Youth

Upcoming Events

Being With Children in Worship

People of all ages belong here. 

When we worship together, it can be an enriching experience for all. 

We want every person to feel welcomed, comfortable, loved, and respected here. 

We are all learning and growing together.

Growing a Child’s Sense of Belonging at Church

Most children thrive in environments of routine and ritual, so worship can be an incredibly valuable experience for them! However, once a week is too infrequent for young children to learn this routine alone. Bringing church into the home can help children not only establish a ritual routine but also make the whole family more spiritually intentional. Here are a few examples of how you can prepare:

  • Have times of silent meditation, gratitude, or prayer before meals and at bedtime.
  • Talk about special memories of worship.
  • Practice the chalice lighting with a family chalice!
  • Singing hymns at home helps build confidence in worship singing.
  • Talk about how different parts of worship are important to you and why.
  • Create a Saturday night ritual—pick out clothing, talk about the Sunday service or what will happen in CYRE classes the next day. On the way home after church, ask about your child’s experiences. Ask open-ended questions that invite your children to reflect on those experiences.
  • Make a point of coming to the All-Ages worship services as a family.
  • Take a tour of the building to get to know where everything is.

Suggestions for Children

We are glad you are joining us in worship! We have some tools and suggestions to help make you more comfortable.

You will find coloring pages, fidgets, and other materials outside the sanctuary. You may find you are calmer and can focus more on the story or service when your hands are busy. We’d love to see your creation. Put your completed creations back on the table when you return your packet or clipboard.

  • Sit near the front so you can see what is going on.
  • Follow along with the order of service.
  • Stand and join in when we sing hymns.
  • Share a quiet time with us when it is time for a meditation or prayer.

Suggestions for Family Members

Consistent attendance is the best way to increase your child’s comfort and success in worship.

Explain what is going on during worship; answer questions that your child may have with a whisper.

Pick up your own materials from outside the sanctuary. These activities have been shown to increase calm and focus…for all ages.

You are welcome to visit Freeman Hall or our alternative worship space in the Bernstein Room if your child needs a break but you wish to still hear the service.

If your child isn’t able to be in worship for long at first, please keep trying as they grow! It is a blessing to have them here. Childcare is always available in the nursery during shared worship times.

Suggestions for Other Adults

Recognize your role as models for children in worship.

Welcome children as you would others: learn their names, make a connection. A smile and a warm “I’m glad you’re here” goes a long way in welcoming a child or family.

Share the experience of worship with children near you. You may find you can share a hymnal or help them find shared responsive words in the Order of Service, for example. Families with kids are often thankful for an extra helping hand!

If children have roles in the service, treat them as worship leaders, rather than performers. If they make a mistake, even well-meant laughter can hurt and make it hard for them to want to try again.

Show patience and gratitude for the blessing of children in our midst. It means our community is still growing! Keep your heart and mind open to what we can learn from each other, as we work to be an inclusive, loving congregation.