
Upcoming Events

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups are UUCC member-led, special-interest groups whose purpose and activities are consistent with the Mission and Ends of the UUCC, including the group’s ability to create bonds among members and to provide a safe place for transformative experiences.

Most Affinity Groups welcome members and visitors to drop in on their weekly or monthly meetings, such as the Hiking and Walking Groups and Senior Connections. Groups such as the Open Mind Book Club and Lotus Path also welcome newcomers but request that you contact the lead facilitator for meeting information.

If you’re a visitor or new member and have questions about the best fit for you at this point in your spiritual journey, please visit the Adult Programming table in Freeman Hall on Sunday mornings or contact the lead facilitator of the group. Their contact information is listed below.

If you would like to submit a request for a new affinity group, please refer to these guidelines and this application form.

Cold Reads Play Group

1st & 2nd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom

This group meets twice a month on Zoom to read plays together. This group is currently at capacity so is closed to new members. Contact: Jane Kusterer

(dis)Abled Support and Advocacy Group

3rd Sunday, 11:45 a.m.

The Disability Support and Advocacy Group meets the third Sunday of each month in Sigismund, welcoming those with any type of physical or mental health challenge, as well as allies and friends. Contact: Cate Stroud at

Gamers Group

3rd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Meet with fellow board game enthusiasts both new and well-experienced for an evening of gaming together. We meet in the Bernstein room and encourage attendees to bring games they are interested in playing or teaching, as well as any snacks to share. Contact: John Burns at

Happy Wanderers Walking Group

Tuesday mornings

The UUCC Walking Group walks once a week on the Charlotte area greenways. All are welcome, regardless of fitness level. Contact Kay Mixon at for more information.

Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry

2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.

Meet to knit or crochet together as a spiritual community and to bless the shawls we complete. Shawls are given to Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte members with a significant hardship or loss and to KinderMourn. Contact Kathleen Moloney-Tarr at

Hiking Group

1st Saturdays, monthly

Hikes are planned once a month and vary in location and exertion. Details of planned hikes are announced in our weekly newsletter, Currents. Contact Rita Heath Singer at for more information.


3rd Friday, 10:00-12:00 p.m.

The Jabberwocks group meets to share our own poems and have them critiqued. We meet via Zoom on the third Friday of each month, 10 a.m. until noon. Contact: Doris Browder RSVP required to attend.

Lotus Path

Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m.

We study and discuss various types of Buddhism and related Eastern spiritual paths, considering how they relate to us today. Each meeting begins and ends with meditation. Contact: Edie Gelber-Beechler,

Luna Rising

The annual Luna Rising gathering celebrates the Divine Feminine in each of us and provides an opportunity to come together to celebrate that spirit through learning, sharing, and laughing. It is usually held in late spring. Please visit the Luna Rising Facebook page and watch for details in UUCC media for updates about this annual event.

The Luna Rising Planning Committee meets regularly throughout much of the year. Contact: Kimberly Melton

Open Mind Book Club

1st Monday, 7:00 p.m.

This group discusses a wide variety of books chosen in advance. We meet on the 1st Monday of the month in the Conference Room. Click here for a full list of book titles for the current program year. Contact: Gwynne Movius

Religious Humanism

1st Sunday, 11:30 a.m.

We will eat, light a chalice at 11:45, read some well-chosen words, have a check-in (which might take an hour), and deal with topics as a group of Unitarian Universalist adults who use reason, critical thinking, and scientific approach. Contact: Joe Spencer at

Seniors Share

1st Wednesday, 4 p.m. on Zoom
3rd Wednesday, 2 p.m., Bernstein Room

Our primary focus is connection through camaraderie as we explore interesting topics, listen to guest speakers and make time for fun. It will help to know if you plan to join us (but RSVP is not required). Contact: Jane Kusterer at