- Pick up a “Know Your Rights”/”Conozca Sus Derechos” card at the Compassion Closet table in Freeman Hall on Sundays to share with your friends and neighbors in the Latino community. Or print your own: https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas
- Volunteer with CAROLINA MIGRANT NETWORK [https://carolinamigrantnetwork.org/]: https://us17.list-manage.com/contact-form…
- Attend a Training conducted by Carolina Migrant Network in collaboration with Comunidad Colectiva to learn about the neighborhood watch program [Amigos en Resistencia]. The next training is FRIDAY JANUARY 31:
https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScXBE30PCrowM…/viewform - Once you have attended a Training, sign up to be a community observer and verifier: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdQk4zwqIO…/viewform…