
Upcoming Events


“Why do I still financially support the UUCC…why do I want to continue making a pledge to this—my, your and our—faith community? That answer is straightforward: It means the world to me to know that I am supporting the continuity of a spiritual community that can provide for others what it has offered my family for all of these years. I want to support our wonderful staff and the programming that occurs whether I’m directly participating or not. I continue to enjoy all that the UUCC offers me and I also want to ensure we can sustain the present and the future of this congregation.” –Laurie Reed, UUCC Member

It is through your generous support that the UUCC is able to offer life-changing programming, support our dedicated staff and maintain our much-used building – all a means to an end in fulfilling our mission: Challenged by our liberating faith, we discover deeper spiritual meaning, nurture loving community, cultivate courageous connections, and partner in the work of justice. Your financial relationship to our congregation means a great deal to our members and to those in the larger community aided and inspired by our witness.

Each year, UUCC members are asked to pledge 5% of their gross household income or to be as generous as possible.


Seasonal stewardship campaigns group pledging UUCC members and friends into three separate campaigns: “Fall” (November 1 – October 31), “Winter” (February 1 – January 31) and “Spring” (May 1 – April 30). These seasonal groups have streamlined our efforts and provided additional time for communicating with members.

Pledge campaigns begin two months before the start of each pledge period. In the first month of each seasonal campaign, members will receive pledge renewal packets; some members will be contacted by a canvasser. In the second month, we celebrate and thank members of the pledge group with a social event. Pledge renewals are due by the third Sunday of this month and staff will follow up with members and canvassers who have not responded. In the third month, the pledge period begins; pledge acknowledgments and thank you letters are sent along with a follow-up email sharing campaign results.

Information about the seasonal campaign process will be in our stewardship communications throughout the year. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact one of your stewardship staff liaisons: Kelly Greene at kelly(at), Alesia Hutto at alesia(at) and John Herrick at john(at)

You can make a pledge at any time by using this link. Thank you for your generous support of the UUCC!

Suggested levels of giving (click chart to enlarge):

Giving Chart













The UUCC is an IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) and 170(c) charitable religious organization. The UUCC tax-exempt federal identification number is 56-6056289. For estate tax purposes, bequests, legacies, devises, or transfers to the UUCC or the Trust are deductible as they are in accord with the provision of the Internal Revenue Code Section 2055(a) and related regulations.