Week of Events
Lotus Path
Lotus Path
Lotus Path is a member-led discussion group that explores Eastern religious beliefs, philosophies, and meditation techniques. If you are interested in participating, contact Edie Gelber-Beechler at erg_b2(at)hotmail.com.
Nursery Care for Babies through 3 Years Old
Nursery Care for Babies through 3 Years Old
We provide a nursery for children up to 3 years old during our Sunday services. Our paid caregivers follow strict policies and procedures. We ask that parents review our policies and procedures for parents before [read more]
Religious Education for Children and Youth
Religious Education for Children and Youth
This year’s programming will be based on the monthly themes that will be carried out through worship and programming for all ages in the congregation. Class ages will be age 4-1st grade, Spirit Play; 2nd-4th [read more]
Sunday Service (in person and online)
Sunday Service (in person and online)
Join us in the Sanctuary at 234* on Sunday mornings. Or click here: uuccharlotte.org/uucc-live-stream/ to watch online.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour
Please join us for some social time in Freeman Hall immediately after the service. UUCC Home PageReturn to CalendarReturn to Currents
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
After service on the second Sunday of each month, join others from UUCC for lunch at Piada in the Cotswold Shopping Center. Look for Justine Busto or Rita Heath-Singer in Freeman Hall after the service.
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
All children, kindergarten through 5th grade, are invited to join us in making music at the UUCC! The Children’s Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings in the Priestley Room from 11:30 to 12 noon. The Priestley [read more]
Developing Facilitation Skills
Developing Facilitation Skills
Developing Facilitation Skills: Feb. 9 (11:30-1:00), Bernstein. Have you been wanting more skill at holding space for groups? Thought about ways to help create meaningful experiences? Have you wished you had more understanding of helpful ways [read more]
Humanist Group
Humanist Group
The UUCC Humanist Group meets in person and via Zoom at 11:45 A.M. on the second Sunday of each month.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Grades 1-2
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Grades 1-2
Our Whole Lives (OWL) comprehensive sexuality class for first and second graders.
Private Rental
Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry
Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meet to knit or crochet together as a spiritual community and to bless the shawls we complete. Shawls are given to Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte members with a significant hardship or loss and to Levine Dickson Hospice House.
Happy Wanderers Walking Group
Happy Wanderers Walking Group
Join Happy Wanderers at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays as they stroll different greenways each week on a rotating basis.
Mending Your Religious Past
Mending Your Religious Past
Join us in exploring your religion of origin (or lack of), the thoughts and feelings associated with it, ways to move forward, and openness to new spiritual depth.
Private Rental
Mending Your Religious Past
Mending Your Religious Past
Mending Your Religious Past: Feb 4, 11 and 25 (6:00 – 8:00 pm), Bernstein. Join us in exploring your religion of origin (or lack of), the thoughts and feelings associated with it, ways to move forward, [read more]
Cold Reads Play Group (closed group)
Cold Reads Play Group (closed group)
This group meets twice a month on Zoom to read plays together. This group is currently at capacity so is closed to new members. Contact: Jane Kusterer kusterernc@gmail.com
Hand Bell Ensemble Rehearsal
Hand Bell Ensemble Rehearsal
You’re invited to join us in making music at the UUCC! The Handbell Ensemble and Adult Choir meet on Wednesday evenings in the sanctuary at 6 and 7 p.m., respectively. No audition is required to [read more]
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Adult Choir Rehearsal
You’re invited to join us in making music at the UUCC! The Handbell Ensemble and Adult Choir meet on Wednesday evenings in the sanctuary at 6 and 7 p.m., respectively. No audition is required to [read more]
Origin – Movie and Discussions
Origin – Movie and Discussions
You are invited to a special viewing of the movie Origin, inspired by the Isabel Wilkerson novel Caste. We'll watch the movie Thursday, Feb. 13, 6-8:30 pm, and then follow it up with two discussion [read more]
Writing Your Spiritual Journey
Friday Family Fun Night (F3N)
Friday Family Fun Night (F3N)
Second Fridays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, UUCC hosts Friday Family Fun Nights (aka F3N)! Building on the Middle School Youth experience last year on second Fridays, this year we will offer a full family [read more]
Drumming Circle
Drumming Circle
Kickoff of the UUCC drum circle! Come join us in rhythmic community as we explore the power and connection of collective drumming. All are welcome, and we will have some drums to share, although you [read more]