UUCC Board of Trustees Meeting

UUCC Conference Room and Zoom

The UUCC Board of Trustees meets each month on the 3rd Thursday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. UUCC members are welcome to observe in person or via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/92590069766?pwd=c1lRU0xweHM1NUtHYkJkMUhwL29BQT09). Members wishing to have an [read more]

UUCC Gamers’ Group

UUCC Bernstein Room

The UUCC Gamers' Group meets monthly in the Bernstein Room at 7 p.m. to play board/strategy games and build community. There is also a game lending library for borrowing games. Email John Burns at [read more]

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