Lotus Path

UUCC Schweitzer Room and via Zoom

Lotus Path is a member-led discussion group that explores Eastern religious beliefs, philosophies, and meditation techniques. If you are interested in participating, contact Edie Gelber-Beechler at erg_b2(at)hotmail.com.

Event Series Shared Prayers

Shared Prayers

UUCC Priestley Room 234 N Sharon Amity Rd, Charlotte

Coming out of the Simply Pray class last year, these gatherings will offer folks a chance to have a moment of intention before service. We will gather monthly for 20 minutes, and different styles of [read more]

Nursery Care for Babies through 3 Years Old

UUCC Emerson Room 234 N Sharon Amity Rd, Charlotte

We provide a nursery for children up to 3 years old during our Sunday services. Our paid caregivers follow strict policies and procedures. We ask that parents review our policies and procedures for parents before [read more]

Sunday Service (in person and online)

UUCC Sanctuary

Join us in the Sanctuary at 234* on Sunday mornings. Or click here: uuccharlotte.org/uucc-live-stream/ to watch online.

Coffee Hour

UUCC Freeman Hall 234 N. Sharon Amity Rd, Charlotte

Please join us for some social time in Freeman Hall immediately after the service. UUCC Home PageReturn to CalendarReturn to Currents

GreenFaith Open Meeting – What Is Climate Justice?

UUCC Bernstein Room

Join GreenFaith after the service in the Bernstein room on January 26 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to learn more about Climate Justice and our role in reimaging the future together!

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