
Upcoming Events

Adult Religious Education & Spiritual Development Team

Description: The Adult Religious Education & Spiritual Development Team (ARESD) offers courses and events that reflect our Vision, Mission, and Ends. We are committed to providing a range of programming that addresses Intersectional Justice themes, Unitarian Universalist identity, and Spirituality in our daily lives. 


Time Commitment: 3year term; 1 monthly meeting; email updates/feedback between meetings; facilitating classes if interested/skilled in this area; 1-2 rotations/month at the Adult Programming table as able.  


Member Attributes: Demonstrated history of commitment to UUCC, participation in past learning opportunities with ARESD or CYRE, understanding of the purpose for our learning, openness to new ideas and curiosity, listener and reflector.   

Team Member Responsibilities: 

  • Promote the ARESD program at the Adult Programming Table in Freeman Hall after the first or second service, 1-2 times/month.  
  • Provide input and consultation in the review and approval of proposed events to ensure that the Mission/Ends of the UUCC and the goals of the program are addressed.  (This can be accomplished through on-line email communication and attendance at monthly Team meetings) 
  • Develop and facilitate ARESD courses, as personal interest, time and talent/skills permit. 
  • Assist with the implementation of approved projects that are consistent with the team members’ personal interest and as time/talent resources permit. 
  • Assist with recruiting and supporting Event/Course volunteer presenters. 
  • Attend ARESD events as able and garner feedback from members concerning current/future ARESD offerings 
  • Coordinate programming with other Teams as needed.  

Additional ARESD volunteer opportunities: 

If you would like to offer a class/event, you may submit a proposal to the ARESD Team for consideration. If approved, it will be forwarded to the Coordinating Team for final approval.  Contact

Affinity group proposals created to serve interests of our religious community may also be submitted to the ARESD Team using this form

If you are interested in any of these roles, contact Kelly,