
Upcoming Events

Leadership Teams

Leadership Teams do much of the work of the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte. “Teams,” the term we prefer to “committees,” are organized around program and operational areas. Members of our congregation serve on teams based on their skills, interests and demonstrated commitment to our spiritual community. Typically they serve staggered three-year terms. Team membership is by invitation and is considered a leadership position. A member of our professional staff serves on each team and acts as its liaison with the Coordinating Team.

Sometimes the Board of Trustees recruits time-limited teams – such as the Vision Steering Team or the Board Member Nominating Team – to do board-related work. Those teams report directly to the Board.

Adult Religious Education and Spiritual Development (ARESD) Team

The Adult Religious Education & Spiritual Development Team (ARESD) offers courses and events that reflect our Vision, Mission and Ends. We are committed to providing a range of programming that addresses the annual intersectional justice themes, Unitarian Universalist identity and spirituality in our daily lives. Our small group ministry program, Discovery Circles, provides rich and varied opportunities to fuel the intellect, discover deeper spiritual meaning, and develop lasting connections within our community. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Paula Gribble, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Building and Grounds

Building and Grounds Team

This team attends to our physical plant and maintenance issues. This includes everything from repairing toilets, replacing lights and purchasing supplies to heating and cooling, tree removal and emergency repairs. The team identifies needs, maintains a list of recommended projects, helps set priorities and participates in the development and execution of those projects. The team also oversees UUCC landscaping and the upkeep of the Memorial Garden. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Alesia Hutto

Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) Team

As the visioning body for the CYRE program, the team’s responsibilities include policy approval, curriculum input, program evaluation, coordination of special CYRE activities and support for families enrolled in CYRE, in coordination with the Family Ministry program. Members are challenged to help fulfill the congregational Mission and Vision. The team works in close coordination with the Director of the CYRE Program. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Paula Gribble, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Communications Team

The Communications Team provides graphics, design, writing, photography, web and social media services directly to UUCC staff, teams, and task groups for smaller-scale projects and works with contractors hired by the UUCC on larger projects. The team meets monthly to discuss current and ongoing projects. Additionally, individual team members may attend additional meetings as liaisons to teams or task groups that have communications projects or needs. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Belinda Parry

Community Building Team

Community Building is charged with nurturing loving community by expanding and deepening the personal connections within our faith community. The team creates opportunities for UUCC members and friends to get to know each other in smaller, casual settings throughout the year, including potlucks, picnics, game nights and special events. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Kelly Greene

Congregational Care Team

On a day-to-day basis, the Congregational Care Team works in coordination with the professional staff to respond in a timely manner to the needs of our members. Some of those responsibilities include visiting members in their homes, delivering food, organizing memorial receptions and celebrating the arrival of a new baby with a meal and a baby blanket. The team also meets monthly to consider how to respond compassionately, constructively and reasonably on a case-by-case basis to those needing support or assistance. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Kelly Greene

Denominational Relations

The Denominational Relations Team is charged with strengthening this congregation’s connections with Unitarian Universalism. Staff: Kelly Greene

Finance Team

The Finance Team serves in an advisory capacity to the Coordinating Team, with responsibilities such as reviewing monthly financial data, providing feedback to the Director of Administration about finances and budgeting, reviewing financial policies and recommending sound fiscal practices. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Alesia Hutto

Intersectional Justice Team

Our Intersectional Justice Team helps to focus the congregation’s efforts to promote social justice in our community. The team offers volunteer opportunities, conducts educational events, advocates for change and raises money for organizations working in this area. Team members serve three-year terms, with new co-chairs selected each year. In early 2023, the Intersectional Justice Team began a review of the existing structure of the team. The goals for this process are to clarify roles and accountability relationships, identify what’s working, and what may need to be tweaked or adjusted, and communicate these findings and any resulting changes to the congregation. This work is currently in process. Updates can be found in Currents and on this website. Volunteer opportunities and Intersectional Justice Partners can be found here. Staff: Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper

Membership Team

The Membership Team focuses on the experience of members at all stages of their relationship with the UUCC. Welcoming visitors, providing opportunities for new members to get involved and finding ways for longer-term members to deepen their engagement are all ways the team works to further the congregation’s Mission and Ends. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Kelly Greene


Music Team

The Music Team provides oversight for the music program. The Team developed a set of guiding principles and prepared a longer-term vision that will guide the music program for years into the future. In addition, it provides information on the music program to congregants, offers a choir handbook and choir directory, plans a music retreat and other special musical presentations and supports the Director of Music. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: John Herrick

Open Door School Managing Team

The Open Door School (ODS) has deep ties with the Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte and is considered an ongoing mission of the congregation. The ODS Managing Team hires and supervises the ODS Director and provides financial, facility and policy oversight. The Chair of the ODS Family Community Association (FCA) is a voting member of the ODS Managing Team. Other team members serve three-year terms and are appointed by the UUCC Board of Trustees based on nominations provided by the Coordinating Team.  Staff: Alesia Hutto

Security Team

Security is our newest team. Its formation follows the work of a Security Task Force that issued a report in 2013. Security’s initial charge is to review the recommendations of the task force and implement those that appear both necessary and feasible. The team institutes security protocols intended to provide reasonable precautions against disruptions to our activities and services. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Alesia Hutto

Stewardship Team

The Stewardship Team is charged with devising and implementing a stewardship campaign for the purpose of securing financial pledges from our members to support the work of the congregation. In addition, the team takes seriously the work of stewardship as a spiritual practice and discipline by giving members the opportunity to become an integral part of the congregation’s mission through meaningful financial involvement. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Kelly Greene, John Herrick and Alesia Hutto

Worship Team

Working closely with the minister(s) and Director of Religious Education, this team receives, considers, and offers feedback and guidance about our Sunday service experience. In addition, they serve as hosts, welcoming and orienting guest speakers when the minister is not in the pulpit. Some team members also serve as Lay Service Leaders, though it is not required to be on the team to do so. The team meets monthly with the minister and the music director to review the previous month’s services, offer recommendations and guide decisions about future speakers and summer topics. Find volunteer opportunities here. Staff: Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper and John Herrick

UUCC Annual Reports

You can learn more about the work of Leadership Teams in UUCC Annual Reports.